Solar Shade
A wearable sculpture that takes the 3-dimensional avant-garde fashion trend into utility and function.
A speculative product by nature, it postulates data-gathering and energy-harvesting abilities as the future of fashion.
The year is 2050, global warming would have swept over the nation, putting us in hot and unbearable climates.
Street walkers round their backs and hide their faces from the scorching heat. SolarShade balances perfectly at this deformed-but-now-normal posture.
The structural hood bears shape as an extension of the thoracic spine, rounding out the curve from the back inward into itself. SolarShade transfers its solar-generated power to an energy chamber in the shape of an ergonomic clamshell shoulder bag.
In this futuristic world, large structural hoods become a necessity and the advancement of photovolatic (PV) cells have enabled waterproof, flexible and ultra-thin films to harness renewable energy for self-sustainable lifestyles.