Hugg Installation

A futuristic hug device for a world where human touch is not permitted.

As part of SVA’s exhibition RE-ACTORS, Hugg brings back lost sensations from pre-pandemic when “hugs happened all the time”—here with less deliberation and risk calculus.

NYCxDESIGN Festival 2022 Best of Schools award

ICFF + Wanted Design

The guest is first embraced by soft long arms, while provided with the option to lean on a cylindrical bolster in front of them.

Then, with an air pump, pressure is gradually applied to the guest’s lower backs as air fills hidden “bladders” embedded in the structure. 10 seconds later, the pump is turned off, and the guests experience a release akin to an exhale.

A long hug can trigger the release of oxytocin. Deep pressure stimulation releases mood-boosting chemicals such as serotonin, and can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol.

I worked closely with 2 other teammates to conceptualize and experiment with plenty of sketch prototypes until the experience was seamless and joyful.


State of Being


Solar Shade