For The World   

Creative Direction

Creative Direction

Digital Presence

Digital Presence

Editorial Writing

Editorial Writing

For The World serves as a far-sighted collective that embodies decentralized and democratic practices to actively engage in building a more connected, meaningful and regenerative future.

Creative Direction // Brand // Website // Collective // Alternate Models // Viable Futures // Interdependence

As our world become increasingly fragmented and segmented, we are motivated to cultivate a more meaningful and connected existence. It is no longer healthy to be alone in this accelerated era of pandemics, inequality, isolation and climate issues. It is also no longer healthy to remain in the lonely climb for independence.

Through weeks of research on alternate models, I conceptualized a community of like-minded individuals to dedicate their practices to raising alternative solutions that help shape viable futures, to move our world from an independent culture to one that embraces interdependence.

Website Design

A call for like-minded individuals to band together and reach for a regenerative and distributive future.

  • Alternative Political Model

    Quadratic Voting for decision-making and voting equality. This method seeks to address voting paradox and majority rule.

  • Alternative Economical Model

    The Co-operative Model for democratized ownership and control, distributing the power over data amongst users.

  • Alternative Social Model

    The Un-traditional agency Model for per person, per week pricing, promoting flexible short time-box sprints.

  • Alternate Environmental Model

    Carbon Regenerative Model incorporated into all consulting and business transactions.

In the somatics lineage, we say that the three basic needs that all humans have are safety, dignity, and belonging. Once those are intact, we can start to feel satisfied and good in our lives. When they’re not there, we constantly seek them out. We need to be scholars of belonging. We need to really be learning. What does it look like to belong to each other?

— adrienne maree brown


Ginkgo Rebrand