With powerful tools in her back pocket from her multi-disciplined background, Erika is known to go the extra mile in everything she puts her heart into.
Visual Designer
Experience Designer
Motion Design
Product Designer
Creative Director
Dancer 〰️ Visual Designer 〰️ Experience Designer 〰️ Motion Design 〰️ Product Designer 〰️ Creative Director 〰️ Designer 〰️ Strategist 〰️
Currently working on her MFA thesis, she questions how our bodies will look and feel in the future. This inquiry has quickly turned into a philosophical question on how and when we will destroy our own humanity as we adopt technologies to augment our bodies.
Brand & Experience Designer → 10xBETA
Senior Designer → Ruckus Marketing
Head of Brand & Experience → Ginkgo
Brand Strategy Apprentice → Melinda Livsey
Lead Visual Designer → Junzi Kitchen
Lead Designer → Aldenwolf